True to the quip:"Home is where you park it!", we've been "at home" in Hillsdale State Park,

near Olathe, KS for the past two months. We've had the family out here a couple of times for "weenie roasts" and marshmallows. We had some great times with Andrea, Rod and our two granddaughters, Reagan and Ryan. We geocached a few times

(here in a cemetery near Osawatomie, Kansas) and enjoyed Halloween together. The Indian Creek Community Church sponsored a "trunk or treat" in the church parking lot.

Fun, safe and lots of candy! Here were three little bears who visited us there.
We also spent large chunks of time in Lincoln, Nebraska, where we lived for 13 years from 1973-1986. We had a great evening of food and fun with some friends from our Christ's Place days,

solving a murder mystery over dinner with the Kimberleys, the Woodheads and the Bakers. (Vike Kimberley did it!)
Lunch at the
Green Gateau , a delightful little boutique cafe with Linda Becher, was followed by a beautiful walk through Wyuka Cemetery.

We had a lovely visit. These are pix

of the new Holocaust Memorial there. It's quite beautiful and thought-provoking.
Huskers have had a rough season but we went to the games nevertheless. It really hurt to see us lose so badly. Hopefully, with the AD Peterson gone, and Callahan not far behind him, we have better days ahead.

While in Lincoln

we attended a medical seminar on death and grief at LGH Bryan Hospital; the speakers were Warren Wiersbe and his son, David. Excellent!
About the first of October, we flew to Texas for a week, during which we attended Roger's high school reunion, traveled to Houston for the annual Scottish Country Ball,

and visited family. We stayed at the homes of Meg's cousin, Kathy

and her niece Vanessa and family.

Her brother Thomas and his wife Melody from Bonaire joined us for a feast!

After the fun reunion with Meg's family in Houston we flew back to Olathe, KS.
The time there finished with a birthday celebration for four-year old Ryan!

The evidence suggests she really enjoyed the party! Next stop: Texas Hill Country!