Our traveling club of veterans, S.M.A.R.T. (Special Military Active Recreational Travelers) organizes several caravans each year and this year we signed on for our first: the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, held the first week of October each year. This was their 47th!
We arrived on Thursday the 4th of October and started our visit with a walking tour of Old Town. Facinating town, and our guides were excellent!

Sabrina joined us after finishing the last day of her Grand Circle National Parks tour in Albuquerque. We enjoyed her company for four days, even taking time for a little geocaching.
Meg holding up her GPS at a cache site.
We visited the Acoma Pueblo about 50 miles west of the city, home to the Acoma people, direct descendents of the Anasazi people of Mesa Verde/Chaco Canyon fame. Their home is on a beautiful mesa overlooking a valley of monuments.

A visit to the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center included an afternoon of Indian dancing, in this picture the "Deer Dance".

Each morning of the Fiesta, weather permitting, a "mass ascension" of the balloons takes place. One of the opportunities presented to attendees is to "crew" and chase the balloons.
This is one such morning with the "Emerald" of Oregon, the balloon for which we crewed three mornings.

The variety of shapes and sizes is remarkable!

The "zebras" are in charge and control all launches. Essentially, safety officers.
Here are Meg with Jack and Sallie, the owners and pilots of the Emerald. They were a lot of fun to work with; both are very knowledgeable and safety conscious.
Jack and Sallie |
We're prepping the Emerald for launch.

We finally get her ready and Jack said to me and Meg, "Climb aboard!" Wow! A dream come true!

Our "Zebra" gives us thumbs up and we're away!
Looking back at the launch field and many of the Strange Shapes |
Roger with Jack
Meg's smile says it all!
Two more "bucket list" items:
1. Balloon Fiesta....check
2. Hot air balloon ride...check
A wonderful time in New Mexico and one which we'd urge all of you to put on your own bucket list.!