Following our trip to Olathe, KS to deliver the contents of our two storage rooms, we have spent the last two months with friends in Lincoln and with our daughter Andrea's family in Kansas. It has given us a wonderful opportunity to renew old friendships, including Carol, who loves cats and graciously took care of our cat "Gypsy" (at the top)
while we were away in Scotland. We visited our church in Lincoln, but best of all to get better acquainted with our kids and grandkids than we had been able to before. Rod and Andrea moved into their new home in Olathe and we have been able to help considerably with all the settling in.
We all went to Lincoln over the Thanksgiving weekend. Here we are with Roger's sister Marilyn and niece Shanna at a game of Mah Jong after the feast. We also shared a wonderful meal with
We all went to Lincoln over the Thanksgiving weekend. Here we are with Roger's sister Marilyn and niece Shanna at a game of Mah Jong after the feast. We also shared a wonderful meal with
Fred and Janet Smith during that time. 
Rod and I attended the Colorado-Nebraska game: great fun! Always! And then two weeks later we all went to the Big XII Championship game in Kansas City. With the score OU 21-NU 7, it was much more fun for my Sooner son-in-law than for me. But it was a fun evening, nonetheless.
Rod and I attended the Colorado-Nebraska game: great fun! Always! And then two weeks later we all went to the Big XII Championship game in Kansas City. With the score OU 21-NU 7, it was much more fun for my Sooner son-in-law than for me. But it was a fun evening, nonetheless.
These two cookie-mice joined us (temporarily) during the prep time for Christmas. They didn't stay long.
Daddy Rod helped the girls Ryan and Reagan make their gingerbread house;
a work of true beauty! 

We had a great family time at Christmas with Andrea and Rod, Reagan and Ryan at their home in Olathe, and then shared more family time with Rod's family in Oklahoma City. Roger provided the magical entertainment for the party, ably accompanied by his young assistant, the Great Reagan!

We've had a wonderful holiday season with the Ross family, spending Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas together for the first time ever.
We had a great family time at Christmas with Andrea and Rod, Reagan and Ryan at their home in Olathe, and then shared more family time with Rod's family in Oklahoma City. Roger provided the magical entertainment for the party, ably accompanied by his young assistant, the Great Reagan!

We've had a wonderful holiday season with the Ross family, spending Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas together for the first time ever.
On 1 January we'll be gathered in front of the TV for the Boise State-Oklahoma and the Auburn-Nebraska Bowl games. (Hopefully, we'll ALL come away winners.)
We leave next week for some skiing in Colorado. More about that later.
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