Our days are often spent on the highways where we ride along for hours at a time. Roger does the driving, while Meg navigates and entertains, keeping the water and snacks coming. The Bruces and Simms stop daily for a picnic at a rest area or, as here, in Jon and Geri's new RV, getting its first major workout on this trip.

On Thursday 21 June we spent a day circling through the lower part of Adirondacks State Park, the largest SP in the US, comprising almost a fourth of New York State.

This is Blue Mountain Lake, where we hiked part of the day.

It is beautiful, scenic and covered with trees and lakes. We found this little fellow, an eastern red-spotted newt, on the ground in the forest. We spent part of the time
geocaching in the park, logging four finds.

There are, of course, DNFs ("did not finds") and this was one of them. :(

We've introduced Jon and Geri to the sport and they're having successes, too. It's a great add-on to our travels.
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