Sabrina joined us on Tuesday for the last few days. We skiied a couple of those days at Snow Summit on Big Bear Mountain. Surprisingly good snow and skiing for this part of the country.
Here's a big surprise: we may be in the movies! That's right: Jim Carrey is making a new movie, "Yes Man," which features a Nebraska home football game. The call went out for extras who had links with the Big Red, and Meg and I grabbed Sabrina and Josh and got in line! The main game background filming was done at the Oklahoma State-Nebraska game in Lincoln this past fall (we were there), and this filming on Friday the 11th was for all the crowd closeups. So, we got ready for the big game,
Sabrina and Josh surprised us on Sunday with a mystery trip: they said simply, "come prepared to walk all day." Well, in southern California, that might mean a lot of things, but we were pretty sure our daughter wasn't taking us to the desert! Sure enough, the car pulled into Mickey World! We had a great time together, walking and trying out all the rides!
We have moved now to the East Shore Campground of Puddingstone Lake in San Dimas, where we stayed in 2006. It's a beautiful place, quiet and surprising for being so close to a city.
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