Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Great Saturday in Lincoln!

Today Lincoln hosted a wonderful airshow at the airport here, with many guests,

including the Red Baron team and the Blue Angels of the US Navy. Wow! Beautiful exhibitions of flying! Also vintage WWII aircraft were flown.

The afternoon culminated with TORA! TORA! TORA!, a reenactment of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

The evening finished at Memorial Stadium where the Huskers rained down their own version of TORA! TORA! TORA! on Troy University, 56-0 was the final tally. This over a team that scared Florida State 17-24 (FSU scored late to win) and Georgia Tech. They were tied with GT 14-14 until the 4th period, when Tech scored 3 TDs to win 35-20. So, the Blackshirts held scoreless a good Trojan team that had just scored 37 points on two very good schools. The season looks bright!

Tomorrow we'll visit Christ's Place, our beloved Lincoln church fellowship and then leave for our trip to Scotland. We're flying Space-Available, courtesy of the US military, one of the blessings of our army retirement. More on the trip later.
Love and blessings,
Rog and Meg Posted by Picasa

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